Target Deals: $1 Or Less Through February 13, 2016

Target deals and coupons
Here are a handful of dollar deals available at your local Target store through February 13, 2016. 

Target prices do vary from store to store, so you might find prices a few cents higher or lower on your store shelves.  Your coupons may have regional values as well.

And don't forget to sign up for my free Facebook coupon class all about Target tips and tricks!  
It'll be open until the end of February for anyone who wants to check it out.

Best dollar deals available at Target through February 13, 2016

  • iPhone 6s 16GB -- on sale for $149.99 for well-qualified guests with a new 2-year agreement, plus a free $200 (!!) Target gift card back to use on a future purchase.  So that's better than FREE after gift card!
  • Garnier Blackhead Eliminating Scrub -- priced at $1.99 per tube, but click here to see how you can snag them for free!
  • Smari Organic Icelandic Yogurt -- priced at $1.89 per cup (only available at SuperTarget locations.)  Buy two for a pre-coupon price of $3.78, then stack this 50% off Cartwheel offer with this BOGO coupon (registration required.)  Both cups are FREE!
  • Bush's Cocina Latina Beans -- priced at $1.50 per can.  Buy two for $3, then use the BOGO coupon from the 2/7 Smartsource insert.  You'll pay $1.50 out of pocket for both cans, and then you can submit for this $1 Checkout 51 rebate (expires 2/10.)  That knocks your new price down to 50 cents for both cans, or just 25 cents apiece!
  • Hormel Compleats Microwave Meals -- priced at $2.02 apiece.  Stack this 30% off Cartwheel offer with this $1 off coupon (sort by Food to find it fast.)  Your new price falls to just 41 cents!
  • Skinny Cow Iced Coffee Singles -- priced at $1.99 each.  Stack this 40% off Cartwheel offer with the 75 cents off coupon from the 1/3 Smartsource insert.  Your new price falls to 44 cents!
  • Minute Rice -- priced at $1.99 per box.  Use the 50 cents off coupon from the 1/31 Smartsource insert.  You'll pay $1.49 out of pocket, and then you can submit for this $1 Checkout 51 rebate (expires 2/10.)  Your new price drops to 49 cents!
  • Whisker Lickin Cat Treats -- on sale for 99 cents, plus on a Buy 3 Get 1 Free sale.  Buy four for a pre-coupon price of $2.97, then use the $1 off 3 coupon from the 12/13 Red Plum insert.  Your new price drops to $1.97 for all four bags, or 49 cents apiece!
  • Zone Perfect Single Bars -- priced at 99 cents each.  Submit for this 50 cents Ibotta rebate and pay 49 cents for yours.  NOTE: New Ibotta users can also earn an additional $10 bonus on their first submitted rebate -- so this could be a $9.51 money-maker for some of you!  Go here for more information.
  • Select Valentine's Day Novelty Gift Candy -- on sale for $1 each.  Hunt for 2 oz packs of Mars candy or larger, then use this $1 off 2 coupon (sort by Food to find it fast.)  Your new price drops to $1 for two, or 50 cents apiece!
  • VitaminWater -- on sale for 94 cents per bottle.  Buy three and use this $1 off 3 coupon (sort by Beverages to find it fast; use zip code 90210 if necessary.)  That knocks your new price down to just 61 cents per bottle!
  • Chobani Greek Yogurt Cups -- on sale for $1 per cup.  If you like the Simply 100 varieties, buy three for $3.  Stack this 5% off Cartwheel offer with this $1 off 3 coupon (sort by Food; use zip code 13103 if necessary.)  Your new price drops to $1.85 for all three cups, or just 62 cents apiece.
  • Campbellā€™s Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soups -- priced at $1.02 per can, plus on a Buy 4 Get 1 Free sale.  So buy five for a pre-coupon price of $4.08, then use this 40 cents off 4 coupon (sort by Food to find it fast.)  Your new price drops to $3.68 for all five, or 74 cents per can.  NOTE: Some of you may receive an additional $2 off your next shopping trip Target coupon at checkout!
  • Spritz Cello Valentine's Day Bags, Paper Shred or Ribbon -- priced as low as 90 cents and up!
  • KY Jelly -- priced at $2.94 per box.  Use the $2 off coupon from the 2/7 Smartsource insert and pay 94 cents for yours.
  • Betty Crocker Cake Mix -- on sale for $1 per box.
  • Stove Top Stuffing -- on sale for $1.25 per box.  Buy two and use this 50 cents off 2 coupon (sort by Food to find it fast.)  That knocks your new price down to $1 per box.
Need more coupons to take advantage of these deals?  Check out my how-to guide to getting coupons without spending tons of $$$.  Or look at my free coupon database to help track down other brands you need!
