Walmart Deals: Get Paid To Buy Oral-B Healthy Clean Toothbrushes!

Hurry over and print the HOT new Oral-B coupon that just popped up this afternoon on, good for $2 off ANY 2 adult manual toothbrushes!

All I did to find mine was sort by Personal Care and scroll down a bit.

Once you've printed your Oral-B coupons, take them to Walmart for the following deal:

  • Oral-B Free Healthy Clean Manual Toothbrush -- priced at 94 cents each.
  • Buy two for a pre-coupon price of $1.88.
  • Use this $2 off 2 coupon.
  • Both are free, and you'll earn 12 cents overage towards the rest of your transaction!
If you're not a Walmart fan, you should be able to find the same price and overage at HEB.
