Check your inbox for an email from Walgreens titled "Exclusive beauty & personal care offer!"
If you received it (remember, it might be in your spam folder) you'll be able to sign up for an additional 50 Balance Rewards points for every $1 in beauty and personal care purchases between February 1 - March 28, 2015.
Here are the categories that will qualify for the bonus Balance Rewards points:
If you received it (remember, it might be in your spam folder) you'll be able to sign up for an additional 50 Balance Rewards points for every $1 in beauty and personal care purchases between February 1 - March 28, 2015.
Here are the categories that will qualify for the bonus Balance Rewards points:
- Beauty
- Bath
- Cosmetics
- Fragrances
- Grooming
- Hair Care
- Oral Care
- Personal Care
- Shaving
- Skin Care
- Sun Care
And these bonus points will be given on top of any promotional Balance Rewards points offered from week to week -- which means regular Walgreens shoppers could really rack up points over the next two months.
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