Walmart Deals: $1 Or Less Through September 27, 2014

Walmart freebies and dollar deals
Here are some great Walmart deals under $1 to snag at your local store through September 27, 2014. 

Remember that Walmart does vary their shelf prices from area to area, and sometimes even from one side of town to the other -- so you may find your prices a few pennies higher or lower at your store.

And don't forget to double-check last week's dollar list too, since many of those deals are also still available!

Best dollar deals at Walmart through September 27, 2014

  • Wet N Wild Nail Polish, Lipstick, or Eye Liner -- on sale for 93 cents each.  Use the $1 off coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert.  You'll get your makeup for free, plus seven cents overage towards the rest of your transaction!
  • Bar-S Hot Dogs or Deli Meat -- click here to see how you can snag up to $22.50 in FREE Bar-S products after rebates!
  • Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix -- click here to see how you can grab a free box!
  • Yoplait Yogurt Cups -- priced at 50 cents per cup.  Buy five and use the $1 off 5 coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert.  Your new price drops to 30 cents each.
  • Wolf Brand Chili Hot Dog Sauce -- priced at 78 cents per can.  Buy three and use the 75 cents off 3 coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert.  Your new price drops to 53 cents per can.
  • Chef Boyardee -- assorted varieties on sale for 75 cents per can.  Buy five and use this $1 off 5 coupon.  Your new price falls to 55 cents apiece.
  • Yoplait Greek or Greek 100 Yogurt -- priced at $1 per cup.  Buy five for $5, then use the $1 off 5 coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert.  You'll pay $4 out of pocket, and then you can submit for the $1 off 5 SavingStar rebate.  Your final price drops to $3 for all five, or 60 cents each!
  • Johnson's Safety Swabs -- priced at $1.38 per box.  Use this 75 cents off coupon (sort by Baby to find it fast) and get yours for 63 cents instead.
  • Flipz Milk Chocolate Covered and White Chocolate Pretzels -- priced at $1.66 per bag.  Buy one of each flavor for a pre-coupon price of $3.32, then use this $1 off 2 coupon (sort by Food to find it fast.)  You'll pay $2.32 out of pocket for both bags, and then you can submit for two 50 cents Ibotta rebates.  So your final price drops to $1.32, or 66 cents per bag!
  • Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands Biscuits -- priced at 88 cents each.  Buy two and use the 30 cents off 2 coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert.  Your new price drops to 73 cents each.
  • Hinode Rice -- 3 lb bags priced at $1.78 each.  Use this $1 off coupon and get yours for 78 cents each.
  • Hamburger Helper -- priced at $1.50 per box.  Buy three for a pre-coupon price of $4.50, then use the $1 off 3 coupon from the 8/3 Smartsource insert.  Your price drops to $3.50, and then you can submit for the $1 off 3 SavingStar rebate.  Your final price falls to $2.50 for all three boxes, or 83 cents each.
  • Marie Callender’s Apple Pie -- priced at $1.62 per box.  Use the 75 cents off coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert, and pay 87 cents for yours.
  • Alka-Seltzer -- 24-count boxes on sale for $2.98 each.  Use the $2 off coupon from the 9/21 Smartsource insert, and pay 98 cents for yours.
  • Starbucks Iced Coffee -- priced at $1.98 per bottle.  Use this $1 SavingStar rebate and get yours for just 98 cents.
  • Lipton Iced Tea Bags -- 24-count boxes priced at $1.98 each.  Use this $1 off coupon (sort by Beverages to find it fast) and get yours for 98 cents.
If you don't have the right coupons for these sales, or enough coupons to stockpile at the lowest prices, head over to to see if she's got copies for you.

See more Walmart sales and deals here.
