Target Deals: Get Paid To Buy OFF Deep Woods Insect Repellent

We have a terrific deal on OFF! Insect Repellent starting Sunday, June 22 at Target.

After coupons, cartwheel, and a gift card offer, we can actually get paid to buy canisters of OFF! Deep Woods protection.

Here's how the deal works, so you can prepare for it now:

  • Off! Insect Repellent -- Buy three in the same transaction, receive a free $5 Target gift card towards your next transaction.
  • OFF! Deep Woods -- priced around $3.69 per canister.
  • Buy three for a pre-coupon price of $11.07.
  • Use the following coupons: two of this $2 off coupon, this $1 off coupon (sort by Household to find it fast), this $1 off 2 Target coupon, and this 10% off Cartwheel offer.
  • You'll pay $4.06 out of pocket for all three items, and then you'll receive your free $5 Target gift card.
  • So that's a 93 cent money-maker!
I would anticipate that the $2 Deep Woods coupon will hit its print limit before Sunday rolls around, so print it now before someone else beats you to it!
