Walgreens Sales: Tide Simply Clean & Fresh $1.99 Per Bottle

Woot woot!  The Tide coupons have reset on Coupons.com this morning, which means we can reprint the $1 off 1 and $2 off 2 coupons that were available briefly last month.

Better yet, these Tide coupons don't exclude Tide Simply Clean & Fresh -- which means you can save them for a terrific deal coming up this weekend at Walgreens:

  • Tide Simply Clean & Fresh -- 40 oz bottles priced at $2.99 beginning Sunday, May 25.
  • Use either the $1 off coupon or the $2 off 2 coupon (sort by Household to find them fast.)
  • Your price drops to $1.99 per bottle!  I think the 40 oz bottles are good for 25 loads, which means your price per load works out to around 8 cents per load.
I strongly suggest you print these Tide coupons now, because something tells me they will hit their print limit before May 25 rolls around.
