Before you prep your shopping list, make sure you read the changes to the Target coupon policy, so you won't have any nasty surprises at checkout.
Best deals in the 5/18 Target ad
- Groceries -- Save $10 off any purchase of $50 or more May 18 - 24. Some restrictions apply; click here for all the details!
- Simple Eye Makeup Remover Towelettes 30 ct or Simple Facial Wipes 25 ct -- both priced at $3.79, with a free $5 Target gift card back when you buy three in the same transaction. So buy three for a pre-coupon price of $11.40, then use three of this $2 off coupon (requires multiple computers.) You'll pay $5.40 out of pocket, then you'll receive your free $5 Target gift card. So that's like paying just 40 cents for all three packs, or about 14 cents each!
- Fresh Sweet Corn -- on sale for 20 cents per ear, and qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. If you want to go through a bunch, you could buy 25 ears of corn for $5, then use the $2 off 5 Target mobile coupon (text RECIPE to 827438; expires 5/18.) Your price drops to $3 for 25 ears, or just 12 cents per ear. Lowest price of the year!!
- Pond’s Wipes -- 30 ct packs on sale for $3.79, with a free $5 Target gift card back when you buy three in the same transaction. So buy three for a pre-coupon price of $11.40, then stack this $1 off Target coupon with three $1 off coupons from the 5/18 Red Plum insert. You'll pay $7.40 out of pocket for all three packs, and then you'll receive your free $5 Target gift card. So that's like paying $2.40 for all three items, or just 80 cents each.
- Kraft Original Macaroni & Cheese -- on sale for 94 cents per box, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon.
- Dove Shampoo or Conditioner or Tresemme Hair Care -- each priced at $4.99, with a free $5 Target gift card back when you buy three in the same transaction. I recommend buying two Dove and one Tresemme for a pre-coupon price of $14.97, then use two $2.50 off Dove coupons and one Tresemme coupon, all from the 5/18 Red Plum insert. You'll pay $7.97 out of pocket for all three items, then receive your free $5 Target gift card towards a future purchase. So that's like paying $2.97 for all three items, or 99 cents apiece! NOTE: The reason I recommend buying a mix is that I think the Dove coupons will be limited to two per transaction.
- Skinny Cow Candy or Ice Cream Treats -- on sale for $3.50 per box, with a free $5 Target gift card back when you buy four in a single transaction. So buy four boxes for a pre-coupon price of $14, then use four $1 off coupons from the 5/18 Red Plum, plus this $1 off 2 Target coupon. You'll pay $9 out of pocket, then receive the $5 Target gift card. So that's like paying $4 for all four boxes, or a buck per box. PLUS don't forget these would qualify towards the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon.
- Simply Lemonade -- 59 oz bottles on sale for $2 per bottle, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Use this 75 cents off coupon (sort by Beverages to find it fast) and get yours for $1.25 instead.
- King’s Hawaiian Hamburger Buns -- on sale for $2.50 per bag, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Use the $1 off coupon from the 5/18 Red Plum insert and get yours for $1.50 instead.
- Market Pantry Sliced Cheese -- on sale 3 packs for $7, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Use this $1 off 3 Target coupon, and stock up for two bucks per pack.
- Breyer’s Ice Cream -- on sale for $3 per carton, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Buy three and use the $3 off 3 coupon from the 5/4 Red Plum. Your price drops to just $2 per carton, which is a GREAT price for this brand!
- Simply Balanced Organic Milk -- on sale for $3.49 per half-gallon, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Use this $1 off coupon to knock your price down to $2.49, which is an excellent price for organic milk.
- Jennie-O Ground Turkey -- 20 oz packs on sale for $3.99, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Stack this 55 cents off Target coupon with the 75 cents off coupon from the 4/27 Smartsource insert. Your price drops to $2.69 per pack.
- Banana Boat Sport CoolZone Mist with SPF 50 -- on sale for $6.99, with a free $5 Target gift card back when you buy two in the same transaction. So buy two, and use the $3 off 2 coupon arriving in the 5/18 Red Plum insert. After gift card and coupon, your price drops to $2.99 per bottle.
- Applegate Beef Hot Dogs -- on sale for $4.49 per pack, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Use this $1 off coupon and get yours for $3.49 instead.
- Gold ‘n Plump Extra Tender Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts -- 15 oz packs on sale for $4.49, plus qualifies for the $10 off $50 Target grocery coupon. Use this $1 off coupon to get yours for $3.49 instead.
- Up & Up Baby Wipes -- 736-count packs on sale for $14.99 each, with a free $10 Target gift card back when you buy two in the same transaction. So buy two for $29.98, then use this 5% off Cartwheel offer. After Cartwheel and gift card, you'll pay $18.48 for both packs, or $9.24 apiece. That works out to way less than two pennies per wipe!
- Huggies Diapers or Training Pants -- Super Packs on sale for $24.99, with a free $10 Target gift card back when you buy two in the same transaction. So buy two packs for a pre-coupon price of $49.98, then stack the $1.50 off Huggies Target baby coupon (text BABY4 to 827438 to get yours) plus two of this $2 off Huggies coupon. You'll pay $44.48 out of pocket for both Super Packs, and then you'll receive your free $10 Target gift card. So that's like paying $34.48 for both, or $17.24 apiece.
- Up & Up Powder Infant Formula -- 40 oz containers on sale for $24.99, with a free $10 Target gift card back when you buy two in the same transaction. So buy two for a pre-coupon price of $49.98, then use this 5% off Cartwheel offer. You'll pay $47.48 out of pocket, and then you'll receive your $10 Target gift card. So that's like paying $37.48 for both, or around $18.74 apiece.
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