Sprouts Reader Tip: Save 70% Off Rice Select Rice Blends

Nasreen writes in with a terrific deal she snagged at her local Sprouts Farmers Market this week on Rice Select Royal Blend rice with Red Quinoa.

A 28-oz container normally rings in at a pricey $7.99, but Nasreen got hers for a mere $2.49 instead!  That's nearly 70% off the regular shelf price.

Here's how the math worked out:

  • Rice Select Royal Blend Rice with Red Quinoa -- on sale for $4.99 per 28-oz container, down from $7.99 each.
  • Look for the May 2014 Sprouts coupon books in your store -- you should see a $2.50 off Rice Select coupon inside.
  • After coupon, you'll pay just $2.49 out of pocket for yours.
Uncooked, red quinoa can last for a couple of years in your pantry, so this might be a good deal to stock up on.

Big thanks to Nasreen for the tip!
