Walmart Deals: Ajax Laundry Detergent 50 Cents Per Bottle

Wow!  Hurry over to the Ajax Facebook page and give them a like in order to snag a super high-value $2 off Ajax coupon.

Note that I don't think the Facebook app needed to access the coupon is mobile-friendly -- so you will probably need to get on a desktop or laptop computer for this one.

Print your Ajax laundry coupons, and then take them to Walmart for this great deal:

  • Ajax Dual Action Clean -- 39-load bottles priced at $2.50 each.
  • Use your $2 off Ajax coupon.
  • Your price drops down to just 50 cents!  That's less than 2 cents per load.
If you see this brand available in other stores, please report back with prices after coupon!
