Walmart Deals: Iams Cat Food 21 Cents After Coupons

There's a hot new Iams coupon available to print today, good for a whopping $2 off any 3 cans of Iams canned cat food!

I spotted mine by sorting by Pet Care and then scrolling down a screen.

Print your Iams coupons, then take them to Walmart for this hot deal:

  • Iams Purrfect Delicacies -- priced at 88 cents per can.
  • Buy three for a pre-coupon price of $2.64, then use this $2 off 3 coupon.
  • Your price drops to 64 cents for all three, or just 21 cents apiece!
If your family doesn't have cats, or your cats don't eat this brand, please consider donating to your local animal shelter instead.   They will be more than happy to take these off your hands!

UPDATE: Paul from I Heart the Mart spotted Iams canned cat food for just 58 cents at his local store.

So if you find that price, you can score three cans for free, plus 24 cents in overage towards the rest of your transaction!

photo credit: I Heart the Mart
