Walgreens Sales: 4 Free Cans Of Progresso Soup

There's a super hot deal coming up at Walgreens for anyone who still has the $1 off Progresso coupons from the 1/5 Smartsource.

In fact, you'll be able to snag four cans of soup for free after coupons and Balance Rewards points!

Here's how the math works out:
  • Progresso Soup -- on sale 4 cans for $5 beginning Sunday, January 26, with 1000 Balance Rewards points back when you buy four cans in the same transaction.
  • So buy four cans, and use four $1 off coupons from the 1/5 Smartsource insert.
  • You'll pay $1 out of pocket, then receive your 1000 Balance Rewards points, which are like $1 in buying power on a future transaction.
  • So all four cans are free!
Not all areas received the $1 off Progresso coupons, so I know many of you may have 50 cents off 2 coupons in your binders instead.

In that case, your final price after using two coupons and the Balance Rewards would be $3, or 75 cents per can.  Still a pretty good price, considering most grocery stores sell Progresso for around $1.50 each!
