Target Deals: Windex Touch-Up Now 20 Cents Each After Checkout 51 Offer

This week's Target deal on the new Windex Touch-Up Cleaners has gotten even better -- now we have a $1.50 off 2 Checkout 51 offer to stack back!

That means you'll get two of these for just 20 cents apiece when all is said and done -- which is an amazing price, considering they are normally $3.49 each.

Here's how the deal works:

  • Windex Touch-Up Cleaner -- priced at $3.49 each at Target.
  • Buy two for a pre-coupon price of $6.98.
  • Give the 10% off Cartwheel offer to take 60 cents off your total.
  • Then stack this $1 off Target coupon with the BOGO coupon from the 1/12 Smartsource insert.
  • Your price drops to $1.89 for both, or 95 cents each.
  • Next, submit for the $1.50 off 2 Checkout 51 offer.
  • Your final price drops to 39 cents for both, or less than 20 cents each!
Remember, Checkout 51 deals run for one week only from Thursday to Wednesday, so don't wait around if you're interested in this one.
