Walmart Deals: Three Free Gillette Shave Creams!

This is a terrific week to snag great deals after coupons at Walmart!  In addition to free razors and a possible huge money-maker on face wash, we should also be able to score a whopping three cans of Gillette Series shave gel for free!

There's a Gillette coupon available in the 8/11 Red Plum for an amazing $6 off 3 items, including shave gel.

Once you snag your paper, take this coupon to your local Walmart for the following deal:

  • Gillette Series shave gel -- priced as low as $1.98 per can.
  • Buy three and use your $6 off 3 coupon from the 8/11 Red Plum insert.
  • You'll get all three for as low as free, plus up to six cents overage towards the rest of your purchase!
Expect shelves to clear early on this one!

Big thanks to Paul at I Heart the Mart for the photo and deal alert.
