Dollar Tree Deals: Assorted Bic Products 25 Cents Each

There's a high-value new Bic stationery coupon available on Facebook right now for $1.50 off any 2 Bic products.

You'll need to enter the Bic Expressions giveaway on their Facebook page in order to snag your coupon.  Keep in mind that many smartphones can't access Facebook apps -- so I recommend getting on your laptop or desktop for this one!

Once you've printed your Bic coupons, take them to Dollar Tree for this great deal:

  • Assorted Bic stationery products -- on sale at Dollar Tree for $1 each.  At my store, I have seen both the Wite-Out bottles and the 10-count packs of Bic Cristal pens.
  • Buy two and use this $1.50 off 2 coupon.
  • Your price drops to 50 cents for both -- or just 25 cents each!
Remember that Dollar Tree stores carry different inventory from location to location, so you might want to call ahead to your neighborhood store before you make a trip. 
