Target Deals: Free Peaches Or Nectarines With Coupons

Target mobile coupons
Can I just tell you guys how much I love finding produce coupons?  I especially love produce coupons that turn into free fruits and vegetables!

Text the word SAVVY to 827438 for a fresh new crop of Target mobile coupons, including another coupon for $1 off any fresh fruit purchase of $1 or more.

Even if you're already signed up for Target mobile coupons, you will still need to text and request these -- they won't be pushed to your phone automatically.

Then use your coupon through Saturday, June 22 for the following deal:

  • Peaches or nectarines -- on sale 2 for $1 at Target through June 22.
  • Buy two and use your $1 off Target mobile coupon.
  • Get both pieces of fruit for free!
If you want to stock up, make sure a) everyone in your household with a smartphone signs up for these coupons, and b) then send everyone to the store to do separate transactions.
