Target Deal: Eggs 97 Cents Per Dozen

Here's an awesome deal for anyone getting ready to start their Easter egg decorating -- you can score eggs at Target this week for just 97 cents per dozen!

There's a brand-new (and super rare!) coupon for 55 cents off 2 dozen eggs over on the Incredible Edible Egg Facebook page.

Print yours, then take it to Target for this hot deal:

  • One dozen grade A eggs -- on sale for $1.49 per dozen (this is the San Antonio price; readers outside the city may find $1.59 per dozen instead.)
  • Buy two dozen and stack this 55 cents off 2 dozen eggs coupon with the 50 cents off Target mobile coupon that's currently available.
  • Your price drops to $1.93 for two dozen eggs, or 97 cents per dozen!
Eggs can keep for two to three weeks in your fridge, so as long as you check the expiration dates before you buy, these should easily keep until Easter.

Want more freebies and deals?  Follow me on Twitter, check out my boards on Pinterest, or keep up with all the action on Facebook.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    First of all thank you for posting all of the deals that you post everyday, you have saved my family a lot of money. I had a question about the coupons that print off at the Target register when your receipt prints out. It says on the coupon that it is a manufacture coupon, what, if any, type of coupon can I stack with that to save more money?

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Kay --

      If you receive a manufacturer coupon that way and have a Target coupon for the same item, you can stack the two together for extra savings.


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