Shopping Haul: Spent $16.65, Saved $39.11!

Well, my shopping trip today contained an unexpected challenge -- I realized when I was already at the store that I had left my debit card at home!

That meant that I could only spend what I had in my wallet -- $10 in cash, a $10 CVS gift card, and all my clipped coupons.

So what you see in the photo is what I managed to buy with those resources -- 25 items for a grand total of $16.65.  The original price for everything was $55.76 -- so I saved about 70% off shelf price with my coupons!

Here's how the math broke down:

Store #1: HEB -- where I discovered I was missing my debit card

  • Pepsi Next 2-liter -- on sale for $1.34.  I used the Try Me Free coupon from the Super Bowl commercial, which my cashier entered for the top value of $1.99.  So I got 65 cents in overage!
  • Suave Moroccan Shine Shampoo -- priced at $2.88 each.  I used the Try Me Free coupon I received in the mail last week, which my cashier entered for $3.50.  So I got 62 cents in overage!
  • 2 bottles of Wet N Wild nail polish -- priced at 93 cents each.  I used two $1 off coupons from the 2/10 Red Plum insert, which my cashier did not adjust down.  So free, plus a combined 14 cents in overage!
  • Poise Body Cooling Towelettes -- priced at $2.97 each.  I used the $3 off coupon from the 2/10 Smartsource, which my cashier did not adjust down.  So free plus 3 cents overage!
  • 2 packs of Maruchan Yakisoba noodles -- priced at 64 cents each.  I used two 50 cents off coupons from the 2/10 Smartsource, which made these 14 cents per pack.
  • 2 bottles of HEB sugar-free lemon sparkling water -- priced at 50 cents each.
  • 2 cups of Uncle Ben's brown rice -- priced at $1 each.  I used this $1 off 2 coupon and paid 50 cents per cup instead.
  • Yellow bananas -- priced at 48 cents per pound.  My bunch cost 75 cents.
  • Jennie-O turkey franks -- priced at 98 cents per pack.
  • 2 cans of Harvest Creek chunk white chicken -- priced at $1 each.
  • Hill Country Fare 100% whole-wheat bread -- priced at $1.48 per loaf.
  • Frigo Light String Cheese -- priced at $2.50 per pack.  I used a 75 cents off manufacturer's coupon that was taped to the  bag in-store.  That knocked my price down to $1.75.

My total before coupons was $21.17, and after coupons it fell all the way down to $7.93.  I think I have only received overage at HEB once before -- it's not part of their coupon policy -- but I was super-happy to have it today!

Store #2: CVS -- I did two transactions at CVS to maximize my Extra Bucks.

Transaction #1:

  • 4 12-packs of Diet Coke -- on sale for $15, with $5 back in Extra Bucks.
  • I used two coupons, each for a free 12-pack of Diet Coke, that I got from My Coke Rewards.
  • That knocked my price down to $8.12 including tax, which I paid using my $10 CVS gift card.  Then I got my $5 in Extra Bucks, which I rolled to the next transaction.
Transaction #2:
  • Acai Blueberry chocolate -- on sale for 67 cents, with 67 cents back in Extra Bucks.
  • 20oz bottle of Diet Coke -- priced at $1.74.  I used the Try Me Free coupon from the Super Bowl commercials and paid nothing for this.
  • Wheat Thins -- on sale for $2.50 per box.  I used a printable $1 off coupon (no longer available) to knock my price down to $1.50.
  • Gallon of skim milk -- on sale for $3.29 per gallon.
So my total before coupons in the second transaction was $8.20.  After my coupons and my $5 Extra Bucks, I paid just 60 cents in cash -- including tax!

In total, I spent $8.12 out of the $10 CVS gift card, and $8.53 in cash between the HEB receipt and my second CVS receipt.  Plus I still have 67 cents in Extra Bucks to use on a future transaction.

Maybe I should leave my plastic at home more often!

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