Walmart Deal: Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice Just 48 Cents

Hurry over to the freshly redesigned Redplum site to score a high-value coupon for $2 off any 5lb bag of grapefruit, or any 54oz or larger bottle of 100% grapefruit juice!

As you know, fruit coupons come around very, very rarely, so this is a real treat for anyone who hunts them.

Once you've got yours printed, take it to Walmart for this great deal:

  • Ocean Spray 100% White Grapefruit juice -- priced as low as $2.48 at most stores.
  • Use your $2 off coupon and pay just 48 cents for yours!
If you're not a Walmart shopper, you should find grapefruit juice available at most grocery stores in the $2.79 to $2.99 range -- so still under a dollar after coupon.

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