Starbucks Deal: Free Blonde Roast Coffee Coupons January 2013

free Starbucks Blonde Roast coffee
Hurry over to the Starbucks Facebook page to claim new coupons for a free cup of Blonde Roast while supplies last!

You'll actually score two free cups of coffee -- one for you, and one for you to share with a Facebook friend.

Your coupons will be sent directly to your email, with the subject line “To try Blonde roast, Starbucks sent you an eGift Card from Starbucks.”  So if you don't see the coupons pop up after you request them, be sure to check your spam folder for that subject line.

You can then either print the email out and bring it to your favorite store, or you can transfer the eGift card directly to any registered Starbucks card.

Keep in mind that most Facebook applications like this won't work on smartphones, so you should get to a laptop or desktop before requesting this one.

Score your free Starbucks Blonde Roast coupons for January 2013 here.

Check out more current Starbucks deals here.

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