If you have an American Express, Capital One, or Discover credit card, pay close attention to your upcoming statements -- you could be receiving an automatic refund to your account of up to $100 or more!
All three cards are now in the process of distributing a whopping $435 million worth of refunds to 6 million customers, after being busted with shady accounting practices by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Current cardholders will see a refund directly on their statement, while former cardholders due a refund will receive a check instead. The vast majority of refunds should be completed by March 2013.
CNN Money has a good breakdown showing which customers can expect refunds and why, so be sure to check it out!
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All three cards are now in the process of distributing a whopping $435 million worth of refunds to 6 million customers, after being busted with shady accounting practices by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Current cardholders will see a refund directly on their statement, while former cardholders due a refund will receive a check instead. The vast majority of refunds should be completed by March 2013.
CNN Money has a good breakdown showing which customers can expect refunds and why, so be sure to check it out!
Want more freebies and deals? Follow me on Twitter, check out my boards on Pinterest, or keep up with all the action on Facebook.
Recieved a check from AMEX about a month ago, was totally unexpected!