Kate Gosselin Fired From Coupon Cabin Site For Inauthenticity

Coupon Cabin has fired former reality star Kate Gosselin from her job as a coupon blogger, after less than a year.

The site posted an open letter to users today, explaining that Kate had proved to be a bad fit for the site.

Coupon Cabin CEO Scott Kluth wrote:

A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin.
We wish Kate, her family and her support staff all the best.

Maybe it's just me, but it seems funny that a coupon site hired a blogger wealthy enough for a "support staff", and then is surprised that she doesn't connect with average Americans.

It probably didn't help that Gosselin wrote very infrequently about coupons -- instead, her columns were devoted to topics like "Eight Times the Germs: Kate's Tips For Preventing Illness" and 

"Kate’s Thoughts on the Dancing with the Stars Season 15 Lineup."

But my guess is that the average couponer didn't want money-saving tips from a woman who reportedly spent $5000 a month on private school for her kids.

For example, her idea to save money on school lunches was to 
"buy little disposable soufflé cups with lids in various sizes at my local restaurant supply store to pack very elaborate and efficient lunches. This way, I can still save tons of money while packing my kids a nutritionally balanced and organic lunch!"

Or...and this is just an idea...you could buy disposable sandwich bags at the dollar store, or send your kids to school with reusable bags.  And no unnecessary, gas-wasting trip to a restaurant supply store!

What do you think?  Did you ever read Kate Gosselin's couponing columns, or are you just surprised it took Coupon Cabin this long to sever the partnership?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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  1. I did not know she had a blog. Just as well, as I would have known that she does not have a clue on the topic. LOL!

  2. I read it a few times and laughed my big ole behind off. Yeah, I'm taking money saving tips from her! ECK!


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