Walmart Deals: Possibly Free Adidas Body Wash

I just printed a hot Adidas coupon from, good for $1 off any Adidas body wash, deodorant, or body spray!

Even better, it prints with no size exclusions, which is highly unusual for this brand.

To find mine, I sorted by Personal Care and scrolled down a screen or two.

So print your Adidas coupons and take them to Walmart for this great deal:

  • Adidas Body Wash -- some stores stock travel/trial sizes for 97 cents each.
  • Use your $1 off coupon.
  • Get yours for free, plus up to 3 cents overage!
I've found out the hard way that Walmart stores really vary in their travel/trial size selections, so I wouldn't make a special trip out to the store to find these.

However, if you're already planning a trip, I would bring along this coupon so you're prepared for the hunt!
