Walmart Deals: Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Water 39 Cents Per Bottle

Here's a great deal to snag at Walmart if you are planning a trip there this week.

After coupons, you can pick up bottles of Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Water for as little as 39 cents each!

That's a great price for any sort of bottled beverage.  Here's how the math works out:

  • Aquafina Flavorsplash Sparkling Water -- priced at 78 cents each.
  • Buy two and use the BOGO coupon from the 1/26 Smartsource insert (expires 4/20.)
  • Your price falls to 78 cents for both, or 39 cents apiece.
If you don't still have the 1/26 inserts, it looks like we may also be receiving another BOGO Aquafina Flavorsplash coupon in the 4/13 Smartsource insert.  So watch for that one as well!
