Target Deals: Get Paid To Buy Powerade Zero

We have a slew of freebies and other great deals at Target this week, and here's another one to snag on your next trip!

After coupons and Ibotta, you can actually get paid to buy a 32 oz bottle of Powerade Zero!

Here's how the math works out:

  • Powerade Zero -- priced at 79 cents per bottle.
  • Use this 50 cents off coupon.
  • You'll pay 29 cents out of pocket, and then you can submit for this 50 cents Ibotta offer.
  • Your bottle will be free, plus you'll earn 21 cents profit on the purchase!
Note that Ibotta offers seem to get pushed to accounts at different times -- so if you don't have this offer currently, I recommend just printing the coupon and stashing it until the offer shows up!
