Target Deals: Chocolate Toast Crunch & Multi-Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate 44 Cents Per Box

There are new General Mills coupons available to print on today, good for 75 cents off either Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch or Chocolate Toast Crunch cereal!

I spotted mine by sorting by Food and scrolling down almost to the bottom of the section.

Print yours and hold them for a great deal at Target starting Sunday, January 12:

  • Select Cereals -- on sale for $3 per box, with a free $5 Target gift card back when you buy three in the same transaction!  Both Multi Grain Cheerios Dark Chocolate Crunch and Chocolate Toast Crunch are pictured in the ad.
  • Buy three boxes for a pre-coupon total of $9.
  • Use the 5% off General Mills Cartwheel offer to take 45 cents off, then use three of these 75 cents off coupons.
  • You'll pay $6.30 out of pocket, then you'll get your $5 Target gift card back towards a future purchase.
  • So that's like a final price of $1.30 for all three boxes, or just 44 cents per box!
This deal gets even better if you were lucky enough to score the $1 off General Mills coupon that came in the 1/5 Smartsource insert (this coupon was super regional, but I got it in my papers last week!)

  • Buy three boxes for a pre-coupon total of $9.
  • Use the 5% off General Mills Cartwheel offer to take 45 cents off, then use three $1 off coupons from the 1/5 Smartsource insert.
  • You'll pay $5.55 out of pocket, then receive your $5 Target gift card.
  • So that's like paying 55 cents for all three boxes -- or around 19 cents per box!  AMAZING deal!
Big thanks to Kerry at Totally Target for the heads-up!
