Target Deals: 50 Free Photo Prints

Wow!  Hurry over to the Target website to print yourself up to two coupons good for $5 off any 50 photo prints.

From October 27 through November 2, Target is going to have photo prints on sale for just 10 cents each, according to page 17 of their upcoming ad.

So here's how the math works out:

  • Target 4 by 6 basic photo prints -- on sale for 10 cents each.
  • Buy 50 for a pre-coupon price of $5, then use this $5 off 50 Target coupon.
  • You'll get all 50 prints for free!
You can do this deal twice per computer for up to 100 free prints -- just remember to split up your transactions, since most Target stores will only accept one like store coupon per purchase.
